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    სასცენო ეფექტები  /  სასცენო განათება

KINGKONG DMX1024 Stage Light Console NCL-T027 განათების პულტი მარაგშია

₾ 1,300.00

₾ 900.00

სასცენო განათების სამართავი კონსოლი

MX512 channel number 1024 with the number of computers connected to the lamp 96 Luminaires with address codes Reconnect Supports horizontal and vertical swapping Supports lamp channel actual output Supports lamp channel sliding mode switching Supports Each scanner can be used to control up to 40 channels Fine Tuning Channel Main Channel + 40 Pearl R20 Fixture Library Support Library Can save 60 scenes Number of scenes Can run 10 scenes at the same time The total number of steps is 600+ steps Scene time control Scene fade in, fade out, LTP sliding Can store graphics for each scene number 5 Fader start scene and dimming support Interlocking scene support Point control Live support Graphic generator can generate dimmer, P/T, RGB, CMY, color, pattern, iris, focus graphics No. 5 can run graphics simultaneously Master Fader Global , repeat, the lighting is now black. Supports dialing to adjust channel numbers. Supports faders to adjust channel values. Supports Putter dimming. Supports U disk. Supports FAT32. Size: 483x440x105cm. Gross weight: 9.5kg.

ონლაინ შეკვეთასთან დაკავშირებით დაგვირეკეთ: 591229314

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სასცენო ეფექტები

₾ 500.00

სასცენო ეფექტები

₾ 900.00
